Body-Mind Centering℠ 身心平衡技法 SOMATIC MOVEMENT EDUCATION證照課程

2020年,在三位經驗豐富的BMC℠老師Bob Lehnberg、Lisa Clark和Walburga Glatz的協助下,申請辦理BMC℠的SME(Somatic Movement Educator)國際證照課程,確定於2022年暑假8月開始由臺灣身心教育學會代辦首屆證照課程,屆時亞洲地區對BMC℠有興趣的學員,都可以前來台灣台東展開BMC℠探索之旅。

This program explores the richness of the relationship between body, mind, movement and touch in the context of our dynamic Embodied Anatomy and Embodied Developmental Movement approach to Somatic Movement Education. Students are introduced to the foundations and fundamentals of embodiment in working with themselves and others. This 500+ hour program is generally completed in two years. Some locations offer it over a longer period of time. All courses in Years 1 and 2 are required as well as related homework. 

Most courses in this program may be taken individually or in combination for personal growth or professional enrichment without commitment to the entire program.

經過創始人Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen老師的認可同意,終於實現各界的期待,將在2022年8月於台東開辦亞洲首屆「身心平衡技法」的國際證照課程,也是全球唯一中英文授課的認證課程。

本課程將安排於三年寒暑假各15-17天 (共75天,每天7小時,總時數為525小時),來完成BMC®中Somatic Movement Educator (身心動作教育指導員)的二年課程,主要以英文授課,現場中文口譯。

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